We're glad you've found us online and we look forward to meeting you in person! 

Evangel is a friendly church - open and compassionate, overflowing with joy. We are earnest in following Jesus. And we love our neighbourhood and city!

If you're new to Kingston, you'll soon find that you've moved to a city full of friendly people. And you can expect to find the same at Evangel. If you're new to church or if you've been away for a while, you can find a home here.

Who is the pastor?

Pastor Terry Pitt, Evangel's lead pastor, is passionate about serving the Church by developing leaders in a culture of dependence on the Spirit with full devotion to the unchanging Word of God. He is deeply committed to the Manifest Presence of God and the healing gifts of the Holy Spirit as a catalyst for stirring renewed faith for the “more” of God! Terry has been married to Ellen for 39 years and has two wonderful children, Mitchell and Melissa both in full-time ministry. In his free time, he loves long walks with Ellen, spending time with his five grandsons, the great outdoors and driving anything with wheels! You can reach Pastor Terry at tpitt@kingstonevangel.com.

Volunteers at the church

Eli Alvarez

Connections Pastor

Lynda Woermke


Danielle Dueck

Women’s Ministries President

What makes Evangel unique?

One word... Community. We are a diverse group of people committed to being Christ followers. We learn together, grow together and pass the baton together.

Our Community is growing all the time!

What can I expect at a Sunday service?

Our Sunday morning service starts at 10:30 am. We have ample parking for everyone.

Our Services are vibrant, contemporary, and Spirit-led, so that every person can have an encounter with God!

Our dress code, we encourage you to wear what makes you feel comfortable—you’re among family here!

Please fill out one of our Connection cards so that we can better get to know you!

If you would like to get to know us better, please join us for coffee following the service.

Do you have anything for my kids?

Yes! On Sunday mornings, your kids will join you in the auditorium for worship and then (birth through to age 11) will be dismissed after worship and go to either the nursery (on our main level) or the lower fellowship hall, our desire is that they will grow in following Jesus through fun, appropriate teaching, and activities.

How can I get involved at Evangel?

There is a place for everyone at Evangel. Here's a few ways you can be a part:

  • Attend a Sunday service

  • Join with us, at our midweek Bible Study and meet some new people

  • Partner with us, as we serve together at one of our connection outreach activities.

What does Evangel believe?

Evangel Pentecostal Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, a fellowship of more than 1100 churches across Canada.

Please visit paoc.org to view our Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths.